Customer Support using CommerceCore™ 

Write one or two paragraphs describing your product, services or a specific feature.
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.

Try CommerceCore for FREE 

Contextual Communication

SaleOrder Based Correspondence
Click and change content directly from the front-end: no complex back end to deal with. 

Building blocks system
Create your page from scratch by dragging and dropping pre-made, fully customizable building blocks.


Bootstrap-based templates
Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes
Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.

Mass Messaging (non-marketing)

Bootstrap-based templates
Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes
Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.

System Messages

Bootstrap-based templates
Easily design your own Odoo templates thanks to clean HTML structure and bootstrap CSS.

Professional themes
Change theme in a few clicks, and browse through Odoo's catalog of ready-to-use themes available in our app store.